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Britský slovníček

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== L ==
* '''Larder''' - Pantry.
* '''Laver bread''' [lavah bred] -  n. 1. An edible seaweed (originally from Wales). LAVER means seaweed.
* '''Lay-by''' - Roadside rest area.
* '''Lay-in''' - A time of sleeping late into the morning; v. LAY IN (no hyphen) to sleep in.
* '''LIFT''' - výtah (Elevator.)
* '''Lilo''' - An inflatable air mattress made of rubber or plastic.
* '''Loft''' - Attic of a house.
* '''Lollipop Lady/Man''' - School crossing guard.
* '''Lolly''' - Money. 2. Popsicle.
* '''Loo''' - 1. Toilet. Also called lav, lavatory or bog
* '''Lorry''' - Truck.
* '''Lounge''' - Living room. DRAWING ROOM. SITTING ROOM.
* '''Lunch''' - A meal eaten at or around midday
== M ==
* '''Macintosh''' - Raincoat, also known as a MAC.
* '''Manky''' - Dirty and very used, as in the "manky old boot" 2. feeling ill, rough, out of sorts 3. Rotten.
* '''Marmite''' - A spread made from yeast extract
* '''Motorbike''' - A motorcycle. ("Motorbike" in American English usually refers to a small, light motorcycle, often with pedals, also called a "moped.")
* '''Mum''' - matka (Mother)
== N ==
* '''Nag''' - To tease in a petty way ; To annoy by constant scolding, complaining, or urging. ; 2. An old horse
* '''Nark''' - annoy
* '''Newsagent''' - A shop which sells only newspapers, magazines and sweets.
* '''Nick''' - krást (to steal)
* '''Nip''' - To run quickly to a place.
* '''Nipper''' - A young boy, a kid.
* '''Nippy''' - Cold
* '''Noughts and crossesnoughts and crosses''' - The game of tic tac toe.
* '''Nutter''' - A crazy person. Very much like "nut."
== O ==
* '''Oover the moon''' - Very pleased.
== P ==
* '''Packed lunch''' - light afternoon meal packed to be eaten in a different location. Also know as Pannad (Nth Wales), Snap (Midlands) and Bait (North East)
* '''Pants''' - Underwear
* '''Parliament''' - The group of people who rule the United Kingdom
* '''Pavement''' - chodník (sidewalk)
* '''Pear-shaped''' - expression used to indicate that something has gone horribly wrong with a person's plans
* '''Peckish''' - hladový (hungry)
* '''Petrol''' - gasoline.
* '''Pillar Box''' - where we post letters. Also called a post box.PILLAR BOX n. 1. Mail box for mailing letters. See also POST BOX
* '''Pillock''' - A useless or stupid person.
* '''Pitch''' - A playing field for sports, as in the "Football pitch."
* '''Plaster''' - A stick-on strip which is put on a small wound.
* '''Plimsolls''' - cvičky na gymnastiku. Stejně jako "Pumps" a "Daps".
* '''Ploughman's''' - A traditional PUB lunch which consists of bread, cheese, and pickled onions.
* '''Post''' - The mail.
* '''Post box''' - Mail box for posting letters. See also PILLAR BOX
* '''Postman''' - pošťák. (Mailman.)
* '''Pound''' nebo '''Pound sterling''' - The basic monetary unit used in the United Kingdom.
* '''Pram''' - Stroller, baby carriage See also PUSH CHAIR
* '''Prat''' - A derogatory term for someone stupid or foolish. Originally meant the butt. Equivalent to "ass" (a stupid person) in American English.
* '''Prise''' [prize] - Variation of "pry," to pull two things apart.
* '''Pub''' - Short for 'public house'. A place where people can buy drinks and food and chat with friends. Find out more
* '''Pumps''' - cvičky na gymnastiku. Stejně jako "Daps" a "Plimsolls".
* '''Pudding''' - the dessert course of a meal (`pud' is used informally)
* '''Purse''' - A very small bag to put money in. A PURSE is something a lady puts her money into and then puts the PURSE into her handbag. A man puts his money in a wallet.
* '''Push chair''' - Stroller, baby carriage See also PRAM
== Q ==
* '''Quid''' - One POUND. (money)
* '''Queue''' [cue] - n. A line, as in a group of people lined up for something.
== R ==
* '''Rasher''' - Slice, as in, a RASHER of bacon.
* '''Rubber''' - guma, mazací pryž (Eraser)
* '''Rubbish''' - Trash.
* '''Ruddy''' - Similar to bloody. "That ruddy Boss!"
* '''Rug''' - Car blanket.
== S ==
* '''Sack''' -. To fire from a job.
* '''Scotch''' - 1) Frustrate 2) Scottish Whisky (esp the cheaper blended sort)
* '''Scotch egg''' - Shelled hard-boiled egg coated in sausage-meat, then coated in breadcrumbs
* '''Scots''' - The people originating from Scotland (“Scots what hae wi’ Wallace bled”), the dialect of English spoken by those people.
* '''Scottish''' - of or pertaining to Scotland
* '''Sellotape''' - Trademark for a clear plastic adhesive tape used for repairing tears or broken items. See also cellotape.
* '''Shirty''' - adj. Angry; bad tempered.
* '''Skive''' - v. (Rhymes with "jive" or "hive") To avoid work of any kind. Skived, skiving. Speed bump to slow cars down
* '''Sleeping policeman''' - n. A speed hump or speed bump.
* '''Spend a penny''' - phrase. 1. To go to the toilet. From the days when public conveniences required a penny to be put in the slot to enter.
* '''Spiffing''' - adj. Excellent or first-rate (upper-class schoolboy slang, but often used in a sarcastic way to make fun of wealthy or pompous people).
* '''Stone''' - kámen, tradiční britská hodnota váhy
* '''Squat''' - v. 1. To sit in a crouching position with knees bent and the buttocks on or near the heels. 2. To crouch down, as an animal does.
* '''Starkers''' - adj. Naked. “He was absolutely starkers”.
* '''Subway''' - n. 1. An walkway under a street.
* '''Surname''' - n. A person's last name
* '''Suss out''' - v. 1. To figure something out, to investigate. As in, "to SUSS OUT the answer ".
* '''Sweets''' - sladkosti. (Candy)
== T ==
* '''Tap''' - n. A faucet.
* '''Tea''' [the drink] - n. An infusion made by pouring freshly boiled water onto the leaves of the Tea plant, widely regarded by the English as improving every situation (Your house has fallen down? Never mind love, just have a cup of tea).
* '''Tea''' - n. A light meal in the early evening.
* '''Teacake''' - n. 1. A kind of sweetened bread with raisins, often served toasted. There are lots of CAKES like this: BATH BUNS, CHELSEA BUNS and ECCLES CAKES. (Visit our Food page for more)
* '''Tea towel''' - útěrka na nádobí (Dish towel)
* '''Tee shirt''' - tričko.
* '''Telephone box''' - telefonní budka, taky "call box"
* '''Telly''' - televize, taky "the box"
* '''Terrace house''' - Row house. Town house.
* '''Ta''' - děkuji
* '''Theatre''' - n. 1. An establishment where one may see plays, ballet etc. This is most certainly not a place to see movies.
* '''Tissue''' - n. 1. Kleenex.
* '''Torch''' - n. A small portable battery-powered electric lamp (flashlight)
* '''Tosh''' - n. Foolish nonsense
* '''Trainer''' - n. A sneaker; tennis shoe.
* '''Treacle''' [TREE-kull] - n. 1. Molasses. 2. A blend of molasses, sugar and corn syrup used as a table syrup, also called "golden syrup."
* '''Trolley''' - n. A small wheeled cart used to move a great deal of objects or heavy items. (Trolley most often means a type of streetcar in American English.)
* '''Off your Trolley''' – Mad
* '''Trousers''' - n. 1. Leg wear for boh men and women.
== U ==
* '''Underground''' -n (With a capital letter) the London subway system. Also called The Tube
* '''Undies''' -  n. 1. Underwear (see also Pants)
== V ==
* '''Vacant''' - svobodný
* '''Verges''' - n. 1. Shoulder of a road as in, "SOFT VERGES".
* '''Vest''' - n. 1. A tee shirt. Undershirt.
== W ==
* '''Waistcoat''' - A man's sleeveless garment worn underneath a coat
* '''Wardrobe''' - n. A cupboard to hang clothes in.
* '''Wash up''' nebo '''Washing up''' - v. 1. To wash plates, pans, knives, forks etc. It does not mean to wash hands and face.
* '''Washing''' - n. Laundry (dirty clothes waiting to be washed)
* '''Waste bin''' - n. 1. Waste paper basket.
* '''Way out''' - n. 1. Exit.
* '''Wellies''' nebo '''Wellingtons''' - Rubber boots. The Duke of Wellington invented rubber boots, hence the name.
* '''Whacked''' - adj. 1. Tired. Exhausted.
* '''Wicked''' - adj. Slang Excellent
* '''Wireless''' - n. Olf fashion name for the radio.
* '''Wonky''' - adj. 1. Not straight, crooked, kilter / out of line. 2. Shaky or weak.
== Y ==
* '''Yorkshire Pudding''' - n. 1. Not a dessert but a kind of baked batter mix mostly eaten with roast beef.
(Visit our Food page for more information and to find out about ‘Toad in the Hole’? – Yorkshire pudding with sausages baked in it.)
== Z ==
* '''Zebra crossing''' [zeb-rah] - přechod pro chodce
[[Kategorie:Británie]] [[Kategorie:Kurzy angličtiny]]
[[Kategorie:Británie]] [[Kategorie:Kurzy angličtiny]]

Verze z 30. 10. 2009, 18:36

Tady je malý britský slangový slovníček. Můžete jej doplnit či opravit, stejně jako každý jiný článek ve wiki.



  • Bob's your uncle - Všechno je hotovo

Britský slangový slovník


  • A-levels - Zkouška, druhá část "General Certificate of Education" potřebná pro další studium na univerzitě. Získává se v 18ti letech.
  • Allotment - Souhrn pronajaté půdy většinou pro pěstování ovoce a zeleniny. - (A collection of rented plots of land)
  • Anorak - Plášť s kapucí. Větrovka. - (Hooded coat. Parka.)
  • Articulated lorry nebo Artic - Tahač s návesem.
  • Aubergine [o-ber-jean] - lilek - (Eggplant.)


  • Bandage - obvaz - (A strip of cloth for binding up a wound)
  • Bangers (Sausages) - Klobásy. Velmi běžným jídlem jsou "Bangers and mash" - klobásy s rozmačkanými brambory. Bangers, protože se musí do nich píchnout když se vaří jinak prasknou (burst).
  • Bank holidays - státní svátek, oficiálně zavřené banky, nebo taky: (national holiday, federal holiday).
  • Barking - šílený - (mad)
  • Barmy - divný, hodně hloupý. (Strange, very silly)
  • Bathroom - pokoj s dřezem, vanou (bathtub) /sprchou a většinou taky záchodem.
  • Bin - odpadkový koš
  • Bird - slangový výraz pro holku nebo ženu
  • Biro [bi-row] - kuličkové pero - (Ball point pen)
  • Biscuit - suchar, sušenka, keks. Nebo taky jako "Biscuits and cheese", "Bath olivers", "Water biscuits", "Bourbons and digestives".
  • Bitter - typ anglického piva. Trošku tmavší než "Lager". (Bitter znamená v němčině hořký.)
  • Black pudding nebo blood pudding - jelita, maso v klobáse plněné krví, existuje spousta druhů. Podobné jako česká tlačenka.
  • Blancmange - [blah-mahn-je] - šodó. Puding, většinou ovocný, chlazený vytvoří jakýsi želatinový dezert. Jí se teplý nebo studený.
  • Blimey - výraz pro překvapení nebo radosti. Něco jako "wow", "whoa", "darn".
  • Bobby - policajt v UK. Nebo taky "Copper".
  • Bob's your uncle - Všechno je hotovo
  • Bloke - týpek, chlap. Nebo taky "chap".
  • Bloody hell - Zatraceně, hrome.
  • Bloody - pitomý, blbý,....atp. Popisuje něco/někoho co/kdo se vám nelíbí. "Bloody weather!"
  • Bogey - holub, hlen z nosu. Nebo taky "booger". (Mucus material from the nose)
  • Bonkers - cvoknutý. Nebo taky "crackers", "draft", "barmy".
  • Bonnet - kapota. Část automobilu, na opačné straně je kufr "Boot". (hood)
  • Book - rezervovat si místo, např. v restauraci. (reserve a table at a restaurant).
  • Booking - rezervace, např. v restauraci
  • Boot - kufr auta. Část automobilu, na opačné straně je kapota "Bonnet". (trunk)
  • Boxing day - 1.svátek vánoční. Dříve bohatí dávali v krabičkách (boxes) zbytky jídla chudým.
  • Braces - rovnátka - (suspenders)
  • Branston nebo Banston pickle - zeleninový džem do sendviče, vyrábí se např. celerový, okurkový, mrkvový, květákový,...
  • Brickie - zedník. (bricklayer)
  • Brolly - deštník. (umbrella)
  • Bubble and squeak nebo někde taky bubble and scrape - smažené brambory a zelenina. Jí se se studeným masem. Tradiční jídlo.
  • Buggy - kočárek. (stroller)
  • Bum - hýždě, lehce humorný název pro zadek. (posterior, buttocks)
  • Bum bag - ledvinka, malý batůžek kolem pasu. ("Fanny" jemírně vulgární termín pro vaginu. V americké angličtině to ale znamená hýždě, tzn. v americké angličtině se říká "Fanny bag" což může v Británii znít docela divně.)
  • Bung - hodit. (to throw)
  • Butty - sendvič. Např. "Jam butty" - džemový sendvič (jelly sandwich) nebo "Chip butty" - sendvič s hranolkama (French fry sandwich).


  • Call box - Telefoní budka. (Telephone box)
  • Camp bed - Lehátko, skládací postel.
  • Candy floss - Cukrová vata. (Cotton candy)
  • Canteen - Kantýna, menza. (Cafeteria)
  • Capital - Hlavní město
  • Caravan - Karavan, maringotka.
  • Car park - parkoviště. (parking lot)
  • Cats eyes - žluté odrazky uprostřed silnice pro lepší vidění střed cesty v noci.
  • Cellotape - lepicí páska. (cellophane tape)
  • Central heating - ústřední topení.
  • Chap - chlápek, týpek. Taky "bloke". (a guy)
  • Chav - Většinou normálně pracující osoba nižší inteligence nosící neznačkové oblečení [1]
  • Cheers - Na zdraví! U přípitku. Nebo taky "díky", "čau".
  • Cheerio - Nazdar, ahoj, čau.
  • Chemist - drogerie. (Drug store).
  • Chippie - Obchod kde se prodává "fish and chip" - tradiční briské jídlo.
  • Chippings - drť, štěrk na okraji cesty. Bývá na nápisu dopravní značky pozor krajnice. "Beware of loose chippings".
  • Chips - hranolky (French fries), jako např. v jídle "fish and chips".
  • Christianity - křesťanství
  • Chuff - Hlasitě foukat, dýchat. Nebo slangově když někdo mluví blbosti - "Chuffed", "chuffing".
  • Chuffed - šťastný. Např. "I'm really chuffed with what I've achieved this year."
  • Chutney - ostrá indická zeleninová směs, podává se např. ke studenému jídlu.
  • Cider - silný alkoholický nápoj z jablečného moštu.
  • Cinema - kino. (movie theater).
  • Clever - chytrý, inteligentní
  • Clotted cream - tuhá kyselá smetana, např. na sendvič
  • Cloakroom - záchod. (Toilet)
  • Cockney - Londýňan. Kdokoliv kdo vyrostl v doslechu "Bow bells".
  • Conk - nos, uhodit někoho. (Hooter)
  • Continental quilt - prachová prošívaná pokrývka. (comforter)
  • Cooker - hrnec na vaření, sporák.
  • Copper - policajt
  • Corking - výborný, skvělý. Stejně jako "spiffing". Často se používá sarkasticky.
  • Cot - dětská postýlka
  • Crazy - divný. Stejně jako "crackers", "daft", "bonkers", "barking mad", "barmy".
  • Cream Tea - odpolední čaj s chlebem, s "clotted cream" a džemem
  • Crisps - Snack chips; usually the potato kind.
  • Crumpet - vdolek (english muffin)
  • Custard - vanilkový krém, pudink


  • Daps - cvičky na gymnastiku. Stejně jako "Pumps" a "Plimsolls".
  • Dead on - přesně (začátek času), "The meeting will start dead on 11:30".
  • Department stores - obchodní dům
  • Diary - deník, zápisník.
  • Digs - podnájem. Delší podnájem v soukromém domě, často užívaný studenty.
  • Dodgy - vyhývavý, podezřelý, pochybný
  • Double Decker Bus - dvoupatrový autobus.
  • Drawing pin - připínáček
  • Drawing room - obývák. (Living room)
  • Dressing gown - župan. (bathrobe)
  • Dual carriage way - rozdělená dálnice. (divided highway)
  • Dustbin - popelnice. (Garbage can)


  • Elevenses - přestávka kolem na ranní kávu (čaj).
  • Engaged - zaneprázdněný, obsazený (telefon, toaleta), zadaný (partner).
  • Estate agent - realitní agent. (Realtor)


  • Father Christmas - ježíšek. (Santa Claus).
  • Fete - slavnost, oslavovat. (festival)
  • Fish Fingers - rybí prsty. (Fish sticks)
  • Fishmonger - obchodník s rybami.
  • Flat - byt - v nájmu nebo ve vlastnictví. (condominium).
  • Floor - poschodí. Počítá se od nuly. (0 = ground floor, 1 = first floor, ...)
  • Football - fotbal, fotbalový míč. (soccer)
  • Fortnight - dva týdny.
  • Fringe - ofina
  • Full stop - tečka, konec věty.


  • Gammon - šunka (uzená).
  • Gateau [ga-toe] - dort
  • Girl guide - skautka (Girl Scout) nebo "Guides".
  • Git - hlupák, podivín. (Oddball, jerk, fool).
  • Gob - huba, pusa.
  • Gob - plivat. (To spit)
  • Gobsmacked - naprosto ohromen, překvapen
  • Gravy - omáčka ze šťávy od masa.
  • Grotty - nepříjemný, mizerný.


  • Handbag - kabelka
  • Head master - ředitel školy. (Principal of a school.) nebo taky "Head mistress", "Head teacher"
  • Higgledy-piggledy - v nepořádku (in disarray)
  • Holiday(s) - dovolená, svátky
  • Hooter - houkačka, siréna, hanlivý termín pro nos.
  • Hoover - vysavač. (Vacuum cleaner)


  • Ironmonger - obchodník se železem
  • Ironmongery - železářství (Hardware store)


  • Jam - džem
  • Jelly [Jello] - želé
  • Jolly - hodně (jolly hard work), příjemný, veselý
  • Jumper - svetr. (sweater)


  • Kick the bucket - zemřít
  • Kit - nářadí (gear)
  • Kip - spát
  • Kippers - losos krátce po třecí sezóně. Uzený sleď nebo losos.
  • Knackered - unavený, vyčerpaný, onošený
  • Knickers - kalhotky


  • Larder - Pantry.
  • Laver bread [lavah bred] - n. 1. An edible seaweed (originally from Wales). LAVER means seaweed.
  • Lay-by - Roadside rest area.
  • Lay-in - A time of sleeping late into the morning; v. LAY IN (no hyphen) to sleep in.
  • LIFT - výtah (Elevator.)
  • Lilo - An inflatable air mattress made of rubber or plastic.
  • Loft - Attic of a house.
  • Lollipop Lady/Man - School crossing guard.
  • Lolly - Money. 2. Popsicle.
  • Loo - 1. Toilet. Also called lav, lavatory or bog
  • Lorry - Truck.
  • Lounge - Living room. DRAWING ROOM. SITTING ROOM.
  • Lunch - A meal eaten at or around midday


  • Macintosh - Raincoat, also known as a MAC.
  • Manky - Dirty and very used, as in the "manky old boot" 2. feeling ill, rough, out of sorts 3. Rotten.
  • Marmite - A spread made from yeast extract
  • Motorbike - A motorcycle. ("Motorbike" in American English usually refers to a small, light motorcycle, often with pedals, also called a "moped.")
  • Mum - matka (Mother)


  • Nag - To tease in a petty way ; To annoy by constant scolding, complaining, or urging. ; 2. An old horse
  • Nark - annoy
  • Newsagent - A shop which sells only newspapers, magazines and sweets.
  • Nick - krást (to steal)
  • Nip - To run quickly to a place.
  • Nipper - A young boy, a kid.
  • Nippy - Cold
  • Noughts and crossesnoughts and crosses - The game of tic tac toe.
  • Nutter - A crazy person. Very much like "nut."


  • Oover the moon - Very pleased.


  • Packed lunch - light afternoon meal packed to be eaten in a different location. Also know as Pannad (Nth Wales), Snap (Midlands) and Bait (North East)
  • Pants - Underwear
  • Parliament - The group of people who rule the United Kingdom
  • Pavement - chodník (sidewalk)
  • Pear-shaped - expression used to indicate that something has gone horribly wrong with a person's plans
  • Peckish - hladový (hungry)
  • Petrol - gasoline.
  • Pillar Box - where we post letters. Also called a post box.PILLAR BOX n. 1. Mail box for mailing letters. See also POST BOX
  • Pillock - A useless or stupid person.
  • Pitch - A playing field for sports, as in the "Football pitch."
  • Plaster - A stick-on strip which is put on a small wound.
  • Plimsolls - cvičky na gymnastiku. Stejně jako "Pumps" a "Daps".
  • Ploughman's - A traditional PUB lunch which consists of bread, cheese, and pickled onions.
  • Post - The mail.
  • Post box - Mail box for posting letters. See also PILLAR BOX
  • Postman - pošťák. (Mailman.)
  • Pound nebo Pound sterling - The basic monetary unit used in the United Kingdom.
  • Pram - Stroller, baby carriage See also PUSH CHAIR
  • Prat - A derogatory term for someone stupid or foolish. Originally meant the butt. Equivalent to "ass" (a stupid person) in American English.
  • Prise [prize] - Variation of "pry," to pull two things apart.
  • Pub - Short for 'public house'. A place where people can buy drinks and food and chat with friends. Find out more
  • Pumps - cvičky na gymnastiku. Stejně jako "Daps" a "Plimsolls".
  • Pudding - the dessert course of a meal (`pud' is used informally)
  • Purse - A very small bag to put money in. A PURSE is something a lady puts her money into and then puts the PURSE into her handbag. A man puts his money in a wallet.
  • Push chair - Stroller, baby carriage See also PRAM


  • Quid - One POUND. (money)
  • Queue [cue] - n. A line, as in a group of people lined up for something.


  • Rasher - Slice, as in, a RASHER of bacon.
  • Rubber - guma, mazací pryž (Eraser)
  • Rubbish - Trash.
  • Ruddy - Similar to bloody. "That ruddy Boss!"
  • Rug - Car blanket.


  • Sack -. To fire from a job.
  • Scotch - 1) Frustrate 2) Scottish Whisky (esp the cheaper blended sort)
  • Scotch egg - Shelled hard-boiled egg coated in sausage-meat, then coated in breadcrumbs
  • Scots - The people originating from Scotland (“Scots what hae wi’ Wallace bled”), the dialect of English spoken by those people.
  • Scottish - of or pertaining to Scotland
  • Sellotape - Trademark for a clear plastic adhesive tape used for repairing tears or broken items. See also cellotape.
  • Shirty - adj. Angry; bad tempered.
  • Skive - v. (Rhymes with "jive" or "hive") To avoid work of any kind. Skived, skiving. Speed bump to slow cars down
  • Sleeping policeman - n. A speed hump or speed bump.
  • Spend a penny - phrase. 1. To go to the toilet. From the days when public conveniences required a penny to be put in the slot to enter.
  • Spiffing - adj. Excellent or first-rate (upper-class schoolboy slang, but often used in a sarcastic way to make fun of wealthy or pompous people).
  • Stone - kámen, tradiční britská hodnota váhy
  • Squat - v. 1. To sit in a crouching position with knees bent and the buttocks on or near the heels. 2. To crouch down, as an animal does.
  • Starkers - adj. Naked. “He was absolutely starkers”.
  • Subway - n. 1. An walkway under a street.
  • Surname - n. A person's last name
  • Suss out - v. 1. To figure something out, to investigate. As in, "to SUSS OUT the answer ".
  • Sweets - sladkosti. (Candy)


  • Tap - n. A faucet.
  • Tea [the drink] - n. An infusion made by pouring freshly boiled water onto the leaves of the Tea plant, widely regarded by the English as improving every situation (Your house has fallen down? Never mind love, just have a cup of tea).
  • Tea - n. A light meal in the early evening.
  • Teacake - n. 1. A kind of sweetened bread with raisins, often served toasted. There are lots of CAKES like this: BATH BUNS, CHELSEA BUNS and ECCLES CAKES. (Visit our Food page for more)
  • Tea towel - útěrka na nádobí (Dish towel)
  • Tee shirt - tričko.
  • Telephone box - telefonní budka, taky "call box"
  • Telly - televize, taky "the box"
  • Terrace house - Row house. Town house.
  • Ta - děkuji
  • Theatre - n. 1. An establishment where one may see plays, ballet etc. This is most certainly not a place to see movies.
  • Tissue - n. 1. Kleenex.
  • Torch - n. A small portable battery-powered electric lamp (flashlight)
  • Tosh - n. Foolish nonsense
  • Trainer - n. A sneaker; tennis shoe.
  • Treacle [TREE-kull] - n. 1. Molasses. 2. A blend of molasses, sugar and corn syrup used as a table syrup, also called "golden syrup."
  • Trolley - n. A small wheeled cart used to move a great deal of objects or heavy items. (Trolley most often means a type of streetcar in American English.)
  • Off your Trolley – Mad
  • Trousers - n. 1. Leg wear for boh men and women.


  • Underground -n (With a capital letter) the London subway system. Also called The Tube
  • Undies - n. 1. Underwear (see also Pants)


  • Vacant - svobodný
  • Verges - n. 1. Shoulder of a road as in, "SOFT VERGES".
  • Vest - n. 1. A tee shirt. Undershirt.


  • Waistcoat - A man's sleeveless garment worn underneath a coat
  • Wardrobe - n. A cupboard to hang clothes in.
  • Wash up nebo Washing up - v. 1. To wash plates, pans, knives, forks etc. It does not mean to wash hands and face.
  • Washing - n. Laundry (dirty clothes waiting to be washed)
  • Waste bin - n. 1. Waste paper basket.
  • Way out - n. 1. Exit.
  • Wellies nebo Wellingtons - Rubber boots. The Duke of Wellington invented rubber boots, hence the name.
  • Whacked - adj. 1. Tired. Exhausted.
  • Wicked - adj. Slang Excellent
  • Wireless - n. Olf fashion name for the radio.
  • Wonky - adj. 1. Not straight, crooked, kilter / out of line. 2. Shaky or weak.


  • Yorkshire Pudding - n. 1. Not a dessert but a kind of baked batter mix mostly eaten with roast beef.

(Visit our Food page for more information and to find out about ‘Toad in the Hole’? – Yorkshire pudding with sausages baked in it.)


  • Zebra crossing [zeb-rah] - přechod pro chodce

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